BRC Food: British Retail Consortium / 英国零售联盟 
IFS Food: International Featured Standards / 国际特色标准
FDA: U.S. Food & Drug Administration / 美国食品和药物管理局 
NSF (HACCP): Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points / 危害分析与关键控制点 



DOLPHIN SAFE: Dolphin Save – Rules for tuna fishing procedures for sustainable aquaculture / 海豚保存 – 可持续水产养殖金枪鱼捕捞程序规则 
INP / ECUADOR love life: Instituto Nacional de Pesca – Approved by the National Control Plan of Ecuador for the Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry / 国家渔业研究所 – 经厄瓜多尔渔业和水产养殖业国家控制计划批准


BRC Food: British Retail Consortium / 英国零售联盟 
IFS Food: International Featured Standards / 国际特色标准
FDA: U.S. Food & Drug Administration / 美国食品和药物管理局 
NSF (HACCP): Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points / 危害分析与关键控制点 



DOLPHIN SAFE: Dolphin Save – Rules for tuna fishing procedures for sustainable aquaculture / 海豚保存 – 可持续水产养殖金枪鱼捕捞程序规则 
INP / ECUADOR love life: Instituto Nacional de Pesca – Approved by the National Control Plan of Ecuador for the Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry / 国家渔业研究所 – 经厄瓜多尔渔业和水产养殖业国家控制计划批准



Km. 4 1/2, Vía Manta – Rocafuerte, Jaramijó

电话: 593 5 2389020

电子邮件: sestrada@fishcorpsa.com.ec

Manta – Manabí – Ecuador


Km. 4 1/2, Vía Manta – Rocafuerte, Jaramijó

电话: 593 5 2389020

电子邮件: sestrada@fishcorpsa.com.ec

Manta – Manabí – Ecuador